Inaugural Sessions 2024

Inaugural Sessions 2024
Our Mission Begins: Summer Session, August 2024

In August 2024, BYRISE launched its first summer program in Punta Gorda, an area of the country where Byrise felt its programs would have the most impact. The support we received proved that decision to be the right one!

With limited time and resources, it took our entire team, from board members to our ground staff and key supporters within the community to get us prepared to host 60 boys and girls ages 8-17. From August 21st to 24th, we hosted as many as 70 energetic and motivated youths.

The camp was free and each day we provided pick up and drop off to kids from as far as Jacinto village as well as villages leading to Punta Gorda town’s sports complex.

Breakfast, lunch, and snacks were provided to get them energized for basketball training. Our local and international coaching staff organized an intense and fun 3-day training session. On our final fun and open playday, 68 participants showed up to receive their certificates of completion, awards, and presents culminating in lunch.

For 2025’s camp we anticipate a longer program but just as rewarding as this year’s.

Our first After School Program Begins

After the conclusion of the Summer Camp, we rolled out our cornerstone After School Program which currently has 13 boys and girls ages 6-10 years.

Each day after school from 4-6pm at the Cattle Landing community center our team of tutors, up to 5 per day, assist the youths with homework; academic & life skills development as well as basketball training. Some of these youths participated in our summer basketball camp.

This program is intended to run throughout the school year.

What’s on the horizon?

We plan to kick off our Saturday sessions in the near future. These sessions will focus a lot more on broadening the minds of these youths through getting them involved in community work; and even visiting others parts of the country.

We will conclude this year’s program with our Christmas party to celebrate the kids for their dedication to uplifting themselves and the community.

Donation Drive

Byrise is currently launching its first major donation campaign to ensure the continuity of our programs. 100% of all funds received go directly to our programs benefiting our youth.

If you would like to donate or know someone who would, please follow the instructions on our website and please, please, please, spread the word and help us in our efforts to keep our programs alive and running to brighten our kids lives and provide them with a better future!

Photos From Our 2024 Programs